Category: Opinion
OPINION: We Must Invest in Idaho’s Water Future This Session
If you turn on a faucet today, you care about water policy. It’s that simple. Water is the foundation of our daily lives, our economy, and Idaho’s future. It fuels our farms, powers our communities, and ensures our families have the resources they need to thrive. That’s why Idaho must take decisive action to invest in long-term storage and infrastructure projects now before we find ourselves facing a crisis we could have prevented.
Over the past year, I have been directly involved in negotiations between senior surface water users and junior groundwater districts, working alongside Idaho Water Resource Board Chairman, Jeff Raybould, to reach a workable mitigation plan. These discussions were not easy, but they were necessary. I am proud of the progress we have made in securing a path forward that ensures all water users have a reliable and sustainable future.
However, one thing became abundantly clear during these negotiations: without dedicated ongoing funding for water infrastructure projects, this plan will not work. This was the one point that every stakeholder in the discussions agreed upon, and it reflects the reality for water users around the state.
Governor Brad Little’s commitment to an ongoing investment of $30 million annually in Idaho’s water projects during his 2025 State of the State Address was a critical first step. This funding will support critical infrastructure upgrades statewide, improve water storage, and help implement the recently enacted 2024 Stipulated Mitigation plan between surface and groundwater users. It would also help recharge the ESPA, ensuring our state’s primary source of irrigation, power generation, and drinking water remains viable for generations to come.
We cannot afford to ignore the realities of water scarcity. The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer has faced significant challenges, and our state’s rapid growth places new strains on our limited water supply. Drought cycles are intensifying, and if we don’t act now, future generations will pay the price. Investing in water supply today is an investment in Idaho’s prosperity, independence, and agricultural strength.
Beyond the ESPA, we must look at additional storage solutions. Senate Joint Memorial No. 101 calls for updating studies on water storage availability and identifying new projects. This includes evaluating the feasibility of rebuilding the Teton Dam and expanding storage capacity at key locations such as Minidoka Dam, Jackson Lake Dam, and Twin Springs Dam. These projects, if pursued, will provide long-term benefits in irrigation, flood control, power generation, and recreation. But if we are going to be able to afford these projects, we need to begin budgeting a predictable and steady stream of funding.
The stakes are high. If we fail to act, water shortages will ripple through every sector of Idaho’s economy. Farmers and ranchers depend on certainty in their water supply. Our power grid relies on stable hydroelectric resources. Growing communities need sustainable access to drinking water. Every aspect of Idaho’s way of life hinges on responsible water management.
This is not just about budget lines items and infrastructure plans. This is about Idaho’s way of life. Water policy may not always grab headlines, but its impact is felt every day by every Idahoan. Whether you’re a farmer in the Magic Valley or Eastern Idaho, a business owner in the Treasure Valley, or a family in the Panhandle, you rely on the decisions we make now to ensure water security for future generations.
I applaud Senator Van Burtenshaw and the many cosponsors who introduced Senate Bill 1128 to provide the funding to implement the agreement we reached after a summer of hard work. Today is the time to invest in Idaho’s water future so we don’t pay the price tomorrow. Let’s make the responsible choice.
OPINION: Idaho’s water future is flowing in the right direction
To spend one’s life in agriculture is to be an optimist.
As a life-long rancher, I try to greet each day with a positive mindset and a firm belief that I can handle whatever the day throws at me. I also firmly believe that there are virtually no problems, no conflicts, no disagreements that are beyond a solution.
Idaho’s newly-minted, farmer-crafted water agreement is a case in point. As Governor Little said, “…the goal all along was to avoid the heavy hand of government by bringing farmers to the table … and keep crops wet this year and into the future.”
After a summer full of numerous meetings with many frank and honest discussions, I am pleased that Idaho now has an updated Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA) mitigation plan that has been signed by both our senior surface water and junior groundwater users. This is a noteworthy accomplishment for many reasons: it puts to bed the decades-long conflict between our water users, it helps preserve and protect our most valuable resource, and it shows that even the thorniest problems can be solved through honest negotiation and relentless effort.
The honest negotiation and relentless effort came from farmers, ranchers, irrigators, and producers who came together under one roof to hash out their major point of contention: water availability. Gradually they all were able to set aside their own interests and realize that they shared a common goal: to protect our state’s agricultural prosperity and ensure a sustainable water supply into the future.
We can no longer act like water is an unlimited resource. We live in the arid West, where water is always going to be in short supply. It’s unfortunate we had to get as far as a potential curtailment to really address our water crisis. But water is a property right and it is the state’s responsibility to ensure that property rights are protected. And while Idaho may be the fastest growing state and one of the top crop and dairy producers in the nation, we only have so much water to go around. The harsh reality of facing a possible curtailment made senior and junior water right holders realize that it was time to work together and find a solution.
Now, Idaho has an updated mitigation plan that we can all be proud of. The ESPA Mitigation Plan lays out achievable goals for all parties. Among its provisions:
- No more fighting – all parties have agreed to cease all pending litigation in this matter.
- Fairness – groundwater districts will now be evaluated individually and not collectively. The 2015 Mitigation Plan had said that if one of the nine groundwater districts failed to comply with the plan’s agreed-upon terms, then all nine districts were jointly at fault. The 2024 Plan makes each groundwater pumper responsible for themselves only.
- Averaging – rather than having annual allotments, farmers using groundwater will now take their water share in four-year increments. This empowers the farmers to make management decisions that fit their crop rotations.
- Conserving the water – collectively, groundwater districts must conserve 205,000 acre-feet of water annually to help preserve the health of the aquifer. The districts can also now include private recharge, not only as a tool to meet conservation efforts but also as a means to increase their water allocations.
- Measurement – accurate, timely measurement practices are now required of all water users. It’s impossible to administer anything that we’re not accurately measuring.
The ESPA Mitigation Plan is a binding legal agreement. We think it is well crafted and durable enough to stand the test of time, but the water users and the state will review the plan in four years to see how it has fared.
I am very grateful to Jeff Raybould, Chair of the Idaho Water Resources Board, whose help in these critical negotiations was invaluable. I especially commend our water users for their determination and their willingness to set aside their own preconceived notions in order to understand the needs of their regional neighbors. I am thankful that all parties involved were able to cooperate in developing a path forward that puts the long-term health of our state and our people first.
This is the true Idaho way. We may still have some obstacles to overcome, but these past few months of negotiations have proven to me that by listening to each other and finding common ground, we can balance the needs of our agricultural producers, our communities, and our future generations.
The age-old saying remains true: we are stronger together.
OPINION: A Billion Feet of Timber
The Importance of Idaho’s Forests and Forestry Industry
The Gem State is home to more than 21 million acres of dense and plentiful forests, covering roughly 41% of the state. Our forests provide watersheds for drinking water and habitats for wildlife. Many of us spend our free time there — hiking, ATV riding, camping, hunting, skiing, or simply enjoying Idaho’s outdoors. But our forests provide much more – Idaho’s forestry industry is vital to our very way of life.
Wood is the most basic component of homes, furniture, musical instruments, books, pencils, even toilet paper! The importance of this natural resource cannot be overstated, which is why the sustainability of our forests needs to be a top priority for the state of Idaho, for both the longevity of our timber supply and the availability of quality jobs.
Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves. The latest data available from 2021 shows that Idaho’s forest industry harvested more than one billion feet of timber, generating $2.5 billion in lumber-related products. This economic impact is irreplaceable. Lumber production provides thousands of jobs, from loggers and mill workers to arborists and truck drivers. In fact, for each million board feet of timber harvested in Idaho, more than 30 jobs are provided. That equates to more than 30,500 job opportunities statewide, careers that support local Idahoans and their families.
Our Idaho economy relies heavily on our forests, which is why their overall preservation is also key. Sustainable harvesting, including selective logging, reforestation, and habitat preservation, upholds a delicate social contract between industry and society. After each year’s harvest, new trees are planted for the future. This commitment demonstrates how responsible resource management can and will ensure that future generations are set up for success.
So, what are the steps we can take to further protect this vital industry? The new Idaho LAUNCH Program is one helpful step. High school seniors can apply for a grant of up to $8,000 to use toward Idaho post-secondary education for an in-demand career. This means interested students can use LAUNCH to help them study for a degree or learn a trade that is needed in Idaho’s forest products sector. A true win-win for both future forestry professionals and the Gem State!
Idaho is known for its abundant forests. Using these natural resources requires walking a fine line between responsible use and exploitation. Idaho is actively working to ensure we never cross that line. Our forest industry is simply too important for our state, our citizens, our country, and our very way of life.
The best thing we can all do right now is make sure our lumber producers have the right tools, guidelines, and candidates to guarantee the continued success of the forestry industry. Let us support the hardworking men and women who cultivate these important resources so we all can reap the benefits well into the future
OPINION: We Must Stop Fentanyl Traffickers. House Bill 406 is Needed for Idaho
There is a killer in our midst, hiding in plain sight. The dangerous and highly lethal drug fentanyl has made its way into Idaho and is killing our citizens in record numbers. In 2022, 49% of all overdose deaths in Idaho were related to fentanyl, and that number is likely underreported.
We need to send a clear message to the drug cartels and traffickers who are sneaking this drug into our state that they are NOT welcome in our communities. One way to send that message is to pass House Bill 406. This bill passed out of the Idaho House of Representatives on Monday, January 29, and is now heading to the Idaho Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee. This legislation will add fentanyl trafficking to our mandatory minimum sentencing law which already applies to other hard drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Support for this legislation is strong; more than 86% of Idahoans agree with its provisions.
It’s important to clarify that House Bill 406 does NOT target fentanyl users or victims. This proposed law would apply only to those found guilty of intentionally producing, importing, distributing, or selling fentanyl into Idaho. This epidemic must be cut off at the source – and that source is the traffickers.
Fentanyl is a highly effective, and highly addictive, narcotic pain killer – as much as 100 times more potent than morphine, 50 times more potent than heroin. The drug traffickers know this, which is why they mix small amounts into other drugs which are often made to look like regular medications. But sometimes the “small amounts” are enough to be deadly. So, an unsuspecting person may think they are taking a helpful prescription pill, but in fact they may be ingesting a lethal dose of fentanyl.
This drug is a danger to law enforcement and health care/EMT personnel as well because they may come into direct contact with fentanyl in the course of their duties. Because it is lethal even in miniscule amounts, these public servants are put at risk more and more often as illegal fentanyl use increases on our streets.
According to the DEA, every fentanyl pill has a 70% chance of containing a lethal dose. Do you want your teenager or loved one to take that chance?
Idaho must take a hard stance on trafficking. We need to send a clear message by imposing stringent sentencing guidelines for those selling this deadly poison to unsuspecting Idahoans. House Bill 406 will hold fentanyl traffickers accountable and will cause drug cartels to rethink doing business in Idaho due to the risks of prison time.
My colleagues and I have a duty to protect Idaho’s citizens. House Bill 406 supports law enforcement, deters drug cartels, holds traffickers accountable, and helps prevent more overdose deaths. I urge you to reach out to your legislators to voice support for mandatory minimum sentencing for fentanyl traffickers and tell them to vote yes on House Bill 406.
OPINION: The Virtue Most Needed
Each winter as the Christmas rush settles down and the new year is just around the corner, many of us begin to think about New Year’s resolutions. My thoughts also turn toward the coming legislative session. January is a time of renewed optimism and new resolve, as I anticipate how I can work with other legislators to keep Idaho moving forward.
I suspect that same optimism and resolve ruled the hearts and minds of those who met in the summer of 1787 to frame our U.S. Constitution. Fearing that the fragile and nascent “Union” was in danger of breaking apart, they realized that their task was urgent and critical if the American experiment was to survive. Although they shared a common goal, which was to craft a system of government that would work for a new nation, each of them no doubt arrived in Philadelphia with his own “best idea” of how to reach it.
By the end of the Convention’s hundred days, the delegates were exhausted, and there was still significant disagreement among them about the specifics of the document they were being asked to approve. The oldest delegate present, 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin, wisely observed that this was understandable, given that the attendees brought with them “all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views.” In fact, he understood that it was something akin to a miracle (he used the term ‘astonishing’) to have finally produced a Constitution worthy of their consideration – a system of government that he described as “approaching so near to perfection as it does.”
In his closing speech to the Constitutional Convention, Franklin said, “…the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment and pay more respect to the judgment of others.” Herein lies the genius of Dr. Franklin. In a word, it was his humility.
Idaho’s legislative sessions generally last roughly the same amount of time as those patriots spent in the sweltering summer heat of 1787. Like they did in Philadelphia, we arrive in Boise with our own “best ideas” for how to tackle the issues that lie ahead. We spend 75 or 80 days, or sometimes even 100, studying, discussing, listening, debating, and hammering out legislation that we think will work for Idaho and her people.
The process is not easy. Just as it was in Philadelphia, it’s sometimes rancorous, contentious, and downright messy. One way to make it less so would be to realize that none of us has the perfect answer to every question or every issue. In modern parlance, this might be called “thinking outside the box.” But in this context the “box” needs to be seen for what it is: our own carefully constructed and closely guarded treasure chest of ideas. If we could loosen our tenacious attachment to our own positions, we could more readily listen to proposals different from our own and admit that some of them may actually be better.
Franklin’s closing statement to the 1787 Convention included an appeal to each of his fellow delegates to “doubt a little of his own infallibility” and agree to sign the new Constitution of the United States, despite any lingering doubts or disagreements. In other words, Dr. Franklin and every one of the 39 original signers had to compromise before they could ever hope to launch this nation on its path to greatness.
The most effective legislators are those who, like Benjamin Franklin, appreciate the value of humility. They are men and women who can imagine a variety of options without letting go of their own core beliefs. They are the ones who are willing to listen to all opinions without denigrating the ideas of others, weigh all ideas despite any question or hesitation about their viability, and sift through all the possibilities until a workable solution can be agreed to. Most importantly, they are the ones who are not afraid to “doubt a little of their own infallibility” instead of stubbornly clinging to “their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views.”
As we approach the 2024 legislative session, it is my sincere hope that all of us can more closely emulate Dr. Franklin by being willing to doubt our own infallibility. We will better serve our fellow Idahoans by doing so.
OPINION: Ditch the secret backroom dam breaching deals. Let’s focus on common ground.
By Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke
The recent agreement between the Biden Administration and the states of Washington and Oregon and the tribes on dam breaching represents a missed opportunity.
Instead of working together to find common ground, the signatories to the agreement pandered to their political supporters and paid no attention to the REAL impacts dam removal would have on Idahoans.
As Idaho state leaders, we are united in our strong opposition to removing the dams because it would eliminate a clean source of energy (hydropower) that powers the entire region, harm agriculture, and fundamentally change our economy for the worse.
Sustaining healthy salmon and steelhead populations is important. But make no mistake, that is not what this deal does.
The deal that was released to the parties with only weeks to examine is an aspirational document that spends Pacific Northwest ratepayer money with little to no accountability for outcomes in fish populations or energy production. Perhaps what’s worse, the deal contemplates eliminating thousands of megawatts of clean energy while the region is facing an 8,000-megawatt energy deficit in the next decade.
You don’t have to take it from us. Just look at the inland ports, agriculture commodity groups, and local communities that are impacted by the deal. They are opposed to the settlement agreement, and for good reason. Not only were they not included in the process, but they were flatly ignored when they tried to give input.
Additionally, breaching the dams threatens regional economic stability and power system reliability. Without the certainty provided by clean hydropower, the Pacific Northwest would be left with unreliable power sources that simply can’t replace firm, dispatchable power.
Take Portland for example. The region has 7,000 megawatts of intermittent wind power. During the Portland “Heat Dome,” less than 400 megawatts were generated by wind and the region had to go to the market to buy expensive energy sources during peak demand.
We believe the authors of this deal are genuine in their desire to do what they believe is right for constituents. Unfortunately, it appears they only listened to a select few constituents in the region while disregarding many.
A truly inclusive process would have acknowledged that we can provide structural repairs and improvements that benefit fish while simultaneously preserving the region’s critical access to clean hydropower the dams provide.
A better process would have uncovered river operations that would improve fish passage.
A better process would have revealed that the region needs MORE energy production on top of our current baseload.
In fact, a better process still may have even included many of the fish restoration projects contained within the current settlement document.
But as long as the proponents of the agreement include language that suggests we breach clean hydropower, Idaho has no choice but to stand in opposition. We simply can’t afford to let Idaho communities, farmers, and ratepayers suffer.
OPINION: Let’s Make Adoption Easier in Idaho
This November, we observed National Adoption Month here in Idaho. This annual event honors the courageous birth parents who choose life for their babies and the adoptive parents who open their home to a new family member.
Adoption is a bridge for those who are not ready to parent but still want to choose life for their unborn child. It is a viable solution for a challenging circumstance, one that invests in the child’s well-being while recognizing and understanding a birth parent’s limitations. Adoption puts the future of the child first.
Every child deserves to grow up in a safe home with parents and family who are ready, willing, and able to care for them. But sometimes, for various reasons, a child cannot be raised by their biological parents. That is why the option for adoption is so important, because it helps guarantee that every child can grow up in a stable and supportive home that can help guide them to a better future.
Adoption is also a blessing for those who want to grow their family and provide a child in need with a loving home. Across our country, the desire to adopt far outweighs the number of infants available for adoption. In fact, for every eligible baby there are at least 36 couples who are awaiting the chance to adopt a child.
Because I wholeheartedly support adoption as a loving option, I am very concerned about the obstacles that make this option seem too difficult. Women faced with an unintended pregnancy should be able to freely choose adoption for their unborn children, if that is the best choice for them. And yet, according to those who work in this field, Idaho’s laws are not necessarily adoption-friendly. I want to change that.
For instance, if there are financial obstacles that prevent a woman from choosing adoption, I believe we should remove those barriers and assure that adequate financial help will be offered. If the legal process has become so cumbersome that it is a disqualifying factor, I believe we can look at streamlining that process to make it smoother and less intimidating. If birth mothers need to learn more about their adoption options or if they need some additional counseling, we should make those things available. Idaho’s laws should not be a hindrance but rather should support birth mothers in whatever ways possible.
Adoption is a compassionate and practical solution for individuals, families, and society as a whole. It relies on love and commitment; it puts another’s future before one’s own. And it fosters a culture that values and respects life.
Even though National Adoption Month has come to a close, I will continue to be a champion for Idaho’s children and an advocate for statutory changes that support parents and children throughout the adoption process.
OPINION: Idaho LAUNCH is Putting Idaho Students First
I’ve been doing a lot of traveling this month. Autumn in Idaho is a beautiful season, rich with changing colors and the sure signs of winter right around the corner. Driving the state is challenging, just because of its sheer size and geographic diversity, but it’s also a visual treat.
Every time I travel through our great state, I am grateful to live here. And I want my children and grandchildren – and yours as well – to enjoy the same privilege of living, working, and raising their families right here in Idaho.
The primary goal of my recent travels has been to visit with high school seniors, encouraging them to take advantage of a promising new opportunity – the Idaho LAUNCH program. LAUNCH is an opportunity for qualifying students to receive a grant for 80% of their post-secondary education costs, up to $8,000, to be used at an Idaho-based in-demand career program.
In case you haven’t heard, Idaho is the envy of the nation. Over the past few years, we have experienced record economic growth. Our conservative guiding principles and responsible policymaking, combined with Idahoans’ hard work, have created one of the strongest economies in the nation. Even with our record back-to-back-to-back income tax cuts and rebates, we’re still enjoying budget surpluses.
As I’ve spent time with high school students the past few weeks, I’ve seen an eagerness in them, a desire to find meaningful work right here in Idaho. They want to stay here and be successful, raising a family and pursuing a career choice that will provide for that family in the future. These young people are engaged and involved, and they know their career options will be much brighter with additional training after high school. But post-secondary education may seem out of reach for many young Idahoans and their families.
This is where the Idaho LAUNCH program comes in.
To qualify for LAUNCH’s inaugural release, here are the requirements:
- Must be enrolled in or have applied to an approved Idaho in-demand career program
- Must be an Idaho resident
- Must be a graduate of an Idaho high school or GED program from the Class of 2024 or later
- Must begin enrollment by the first fall semester after graduation
- Must complete a Career Pathway Plan at
This program is not just for those who are college-bound. LAUNCH is for ALL paths forward. Do you want to be a lineman? A cosmetologist? A plumber? A nurse? This program is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. From certain bachelor’s degrees to truck driving certifications, LAUNCH will connect students with options for in-demand careers and help launch them on a post-secondary path that works for them.
Idaho is in the nation’s top ten for everything from economic performance to employment growth. A capable, well-rounded workforce is what we need to sustain and even improve our already thriving economy. Many businesses rely on a pipeline of talented young people who are prepared to enter the workforce. I believe the key to continuing our economic growth is to connect Idaho’s youth to the best opportunities possible here in the Gem State.
Everyone can benefit from a post-secondary education, including Idaho herself. The LAUNCH program is a win-win-win: for Idaho students, Idaho employers, and our beloved state. My hope for the future is that every Idaho kid can always find an Idaho job. Idaho LAUNCH is the state’s commitment to help them do just that.
OPINION: Eradicating the Quagga Mussels
Water is invaluable. This finite resource is the lifeblood that supplies nearly everything we need in life. It irrigates our fields and generates our power, creating a lush and fruitful landscape where arid desert previously stood.
However, there is one thing we need to remember about this precious commodity: In order to be useful, water must be clean.
The state of Idaho understands the significance of maintaining and preserving our freshwater systems. I have been a part of this effort since I decided to run for elected office more than two decades ago because water, and its management, matters. Today, it matters more than ever.
If you were out enjoying one of our rivers or lakes in the past month, you’ve probably seen the signs: “Clean, Drain, and Dry.” While this is good advice for all water recreators at any time, it is of the utmost importance right now because an invasive species has been detected in Idaho – and we need your help to keep it under control.
In mid-September, the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) announced the finding of quagga mussel veliger, or larvae, in the Snake River just outside of Twin Falls. Quagga mussels are found in freshwater and can easily move to new locations by attaching to watercraft that travel to and from different waterways. But the real issue is how quickly and aggressively these mussels can spread if left unchecked.
Quagga mussels are a serious threat. A single mussel can produce between 30,000 and 1,000,000 veligers a year – or roughly 82 to 2,740 every single day. These small mussels can quickly multiply, piling on top of others, until they take over the waterway. They can clog entire pipes that deliver drinking water to our households and irrigation to our fields, and they can completely shut down the turbines that power our hydroelectric systems. Quagga mussels have the potential to affect the entire Columbia River Basin, eliminate Idaho’s diverse ecological landscapes, and cause hundreds of millions of dollars in direct and indirect costs to the state and taxpayer.
Luckily, ISDA, Governor Brad Little’s Office, and other state agencies detected the mussels early and within days, initiated a two-phase rapid response treatment plan.
On October 3, the first batch of natrix was added to a six-mile stretch of the Snake River near the Centennial Park, Pillar Falls, and Shoshone Falls areas and the Twin Falls deep pool area. Natrix is a copper-based product that is EPA-approved for aquatic applications. It was administered at a rate that eradicates the mussels but is well below the standard set for safe human usage or consumption. ISDA incrementally added the treatment to different areas of the river every 96 hours for two weeks with the goal of eradicating every mussel at every stage of life.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of the ISDA, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Fish and Game, and a myriad of partnering organizations, the treatment for the quagga mussel in the Snake River has been successfully completed.
While this is good news, it does not mean the threat from this aggressive species is gone.
Quagga mussel veligers are microscopic, free-swimming larvae. They can latch onto your boat, jet ski, or kayak, and you would never know until it’s too late. This is why the state of Idaho needs your help to keep this invasive species out of our waterways.
Next time you are out enjoying our waters, remember to use these three simple and effective strategies before you leave:
- CLEAN all watercraft or equipment used before you leave any body of water. This includes watercrafts, anchors, trailers, waders, shoes, life jackets, and scuba equipment.
- DRAIN the water from all equipment, including motors, live wells, sea strainers, wakeboard ballast tanks, boat hulls, bait buckets, waders, and boots.
- DRY all equipment and compartments before using it in a different body of water.
Also, be sure to adhere to any watercraft inspections. These could help stop the spread of a number of invasive species before it even begins.
We must remain vigilant. While the rapid response and treatment of the Snake River shows signs of being successful, the threat is not over. Every single person, animal, and plant in the state of Idaho depends on clean water – but it is up to all of us to help keep our shared water clear of invasive species.
So, for the betterment of Idaho, its vast waters, and our way of life, please remember to Clean, Drain, and Dry.
OPINION: This Harvest Season, Thank an Idaho Farmer
Fall is a season of transition.
The summer heat and longer days start to fade, and the crisp air and changing leaves begin to arrive. The kids are back in school, football is back on weekends, and the holiday season is right around the corner.
While all of this is true, to me, fall also means the start of another endeavor: harvest season.
Idaho has been, currently is, and will always be an agriculture state. It is what we are known for. Ask anyone what they think of when they think of Idaho – more than likely their first response will be potatoes. This is understandable, as each year Idaho grows roughly 14 billion pounds of potatoes, enough to earn us the #1 spot for potato production in the country.
But contrary to popular belief, Idaho is also a top contributor of more than just potatoes. Idaho is:
- Ranked #1 in barley, peppermint, and alfalfa hay production.
- The 2nd largest grower of sugar beets and hops.
- The 3rd largest producer of milk and cheese.
- Ranked 4th in the production of onions, peas, spring wheat, and lentils.
The Gem State ranks in the top ten in the nation for 30 different agriculture commodities. Our farmers are the top exporters of many products that Americans rely on. The Idaho potato is world-famous for a reason – our potato farmers help feed the world.
It’s also important to note that unlike many of the traditional farm states in the Midwest, most of Idaho’s farms are not owned by a single entity. Idaho is home to nearly 25,000 individual farms and ranches. I am among that number – as a fourth-generation cattle rancher, my family is still running our cattle ranch in Oakley that was first established in the 1800’s by my great-grandfather.
Our mom-and-pop operations are the backbone of our agriculture industry; they have a direct or indirect effect in nearly every avenue, from our state economy to our everyday way of life. Idaho’s farming operations equate to more than 11.5 million acres of Idaho land that is used to raise cattle and grow crops for our country. These acres make an impact – 18% of Idaho’s total economic output is from agribusiness alone.
Idaho’s ag industry is only getting better. Last year, Idaho’s net farm income was estimated to be more than $3 billion – a 56% increase from 2021 and the highest net income Idaho has seen in recorded history. 2022 also saw the highest milk revenues ever at $4.2 billion, as well as cattle revenues, which came in at $1.9 billion.
We depend on our farmers and ranchers for more than food, too. One out of every eight jobs in Idaho is related to agriculture, whether it’s direct or indirect, one out of every six dollars in sales in our state was related to agriculture.
The importance of agriculture in Idaho cannot be overstated. Our farmers work hard year-round, from sunup to sundown, to feed our growing population. Idaho’s elected leaders understand the value of our farmers. Idaho continues to be proactive in supporting programs that improve the quality of our soil, water, and air, to ensure a sustainable, resilient, and economically viable agricultural system.
Idaho has been discovered. There are people moving to the Gem State every day who like the way we live and want to be a part of it. But what we all must keep in mind is that while growth is necessary, so is maintaining a viable industry and a historic part of Idaho’s identity. Our farm acres should be respected for the bounty they provide. We need our farmers and ranchers – the world needs Idaho ag producers.
So, this harvest season, let’s keep our agribusinesses in mind. Next time you gather friends and family for a backyard barbecue, thank an Idaho rancher. Next time you’re pouring your kids a glass of milk, thank an Idaho dairyman. Next time you’re enjoying a hot, fresh French fry – thank an Idaho farmer.