Feeding Idaho, From Idaho
"Idaho is, and will always be, an agriculture state. Currently, 18 percent of Idaho’s total economic output comes from agribusiness, and one out of every eight Idaho jobs is related to agriculture."
- Lt. Governor Scott Bedke
Lt. Governor Bedke is a fourth-generation cattle rancher from Oakley; he understands the importance of maintaining our agriculture industry for the betterment of Idahoans as well as our fellow Americans who rely on our crop and cattle exports.
There are currently more than 25,000 individual operating farms and ranches in the state, equating to more than 11.5 million acres of Idaho land. Idaho produces more than 185 different commodities and is ranked in the top 10 for production of 30 of those.
Idaho’s ag industry is only getting stronger. In 2022, Idaho’s net farm income was estimated to be more than $3 billion – a 56% increase from 2021 and the highest net income Idaho has seen in recorded history. 2022 also saw the highest milk revenues ever at $4.2 billion, as well as the highest cattle revenues, which came in at $1.9 billion.
Lt. Governor Bedke is dedicated to protecting our lands and he supports programs that improve the quality of our soil, water, and air, to ensure a sustainable, resilient, and economically viable agricultural system for generations to come.

- Ranked #1 in potato, barley, peppermint, and alfalfa hay production.
- The 2nd largest grower of sugar beets and hops.
- The 3rd largest producer of milk and cheese.
- Ranked #4 in the production of onions, peas, spring wheat, and lentils.