Lt. Governor Bedke’s statement on the water user agreement reached for the 2024 growing season

IDAHO – After weeks of negotiations between Idaho’s surface water users and groundwater districts, a compromise has been reached between the two groups that effectively ends the potential water curtailment order from the Idaho Department of Water Resources. This temporary agreement ensures that eastern Idaho’s farmers will continue to have access to water this growing season.

Lt. Governor Scott Bedke released the following statement regarding the compromise agreement:

“The past few weeks have been difficult for everyone affected by this water crisis. The many hours of discussion and negotiation have highlighted areas of agreement as well as areas of deep disagreement among water users in the region. I appreciate that our southern Idaho surface water and groundwater users were able to put aside their differences and come together to create an equitable solution that guarantees no water is shut off, no Idaho laws are broken, and the crops already in the ground will be ready for harvesting,” said Lt. Governor Scott Bedke.

“But it’s imperative that those same parties understand their work is not finished,” Bedke continued. “We absolutely cannot go into another growing season without arriving at a mutually agreeable mitigation plan. There are still a number of significant details to work out before we can arrive at a solid, workable plan. We have the remainder of this year to come up with such a plan, so we won’t find ourselves in this same situation next June.”

According to 2024’s temporary agreement, all surface water and groundwater users in the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer will need to create and agree to a new water right plan that adheres to the Idaho Constitution’s prior appropriation doctrine of “first in time, first in right.” Per this new agreement, a more permanent plan between senior and junior water right holders must be reached by early this fall.

“I’m a fourth-generation Idaho rancher and farmer, and my roots run deep into Idaho’s soil. So all Idaho farmers are important to me – and vitally important to our state economy and to every citizen. All Idaho farmers deserve to know what their water allotment will be each year so they can meet their business and contractual obligations,” the Lt. Governor said.

“Water is our most precious natural resource, and we absolutely need to find a fair long-term solution that guarantees a predictable water supply into the future. It is the responsibility of all water users to leave the aquifer healthy for generations to come,” Bedke said. “As Lieutenant Governor and as an Idaho farmer, I am willing to use my office and my experience to facilitate the ongoing negotiations that will be necessary to get there.”


Lt. Governor Bedke’s statement on ongoing water users’ negotiations for 2024’s water certainty

IDAHO – Surface water and groundwater users are currently negotiating an agreement to avoid the water curtailment order from the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR).

Lt. Governor Scott Bedke and Governor Brad Little have been actively working to facilitate these necessary discussions between Idaho’s surface water users and groundwater districts to find a compromise that keeps the crops wet this growing season.

“Water is life, and what we do with our allotted amount now will impact our future generations. I am committed to working with Governor Little and all affected parties to find a fair and equitable solution for Idaho’s water users,” said Lt. Governor Bedke.

“Since the last agreement between the surface water and groundwater users eight years ago, we have learned a couple of things for what a long-term solution requires: it must include an averaging component or details around the concept of water blocking. Our farmers deserve to know what their water allotment will be each year before they plant to meet their business and other obligations.”

“Agreements between farmers and water users are always better than ones made by the government or in a courtroom. I am optimistic that our water users will find a path forward that can meet the requirements for 2024, as well as come back to the table to craft an agreement to ensure our future generations have access to a predictable water supply.”

Click here to read the IDWR Director Mathew Weaver’s June 5 letter.


Little, Bedke, Crapo, Risch, Simpson comment on BLM decision on massive Lava Ridge wind farm


Office of Governor Brad Little
Office of Lieutenant Governor Scott Bedke
Office of U.S. Senator Mike Crapo
Office of U.S. Senator Jim Risch
Office of Congressman Mike Simpson

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke, U.S. Senator Mike Crapo, U.S. Senator Jim Risch, and Congressman Mike Simpson reacted today to the news that the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a final environmental impact statement today approving the Lava Ridge Wind Project in south-central Idaho after strong public opposition.

“This is the latest example of the Biden Administration’s unsound energy agenda. The BLM is determined to give California electricity from Idaho despite overwhelming opposition from Idahoans and contrary to formal actions by Idaho’s county, state, and federal elected officials, including federal legislation and federal law. I do not agree with BLM’s conclusion that the effects of this extraordinarily complex proposal are ‘not significant.’ It may not matter in Washington, D.C., but it matters to those of us who live here,” Governor Little said.

“Our public lands have long been utilized for multiple uses that meet the needs and fulfill the benefits of Idahoans. Ranching, farming, and recreation are a major part of the Magic Valley’s heritage. While domestic energy production is an emerging part of a necessary conversation, the BLM disregarded Idahoans’ input on a project that is in our backyard and, instead, favored Californians energy needs. Simply put, California will reap the benefits and Idaho will get all the negative impacts. We will know California is serious about green energy when we see wind turbines in Hollywood’s hills,” Lt. Governor Bedke said.

“The Federal Government should stop ignoring Idahoans on Lava Ridge. Countless Idahoans have spoken out and continue to speak out against the Lava Ridge Wind Project as they know what is best for their land and livelihoods. This decision by the BLM shows the utmost disdain for the people most affected by this obtrusive and unwanted wind project. I will continue to fight with the people of Idaho in opposition to this project,” U.S. Senator Crapo said.

“Idahoans could not be more clear that they do not support Lava Ridge. Yet, for some reason, the BLM continues to push forward this project that no one in Idaho wants. This is not over—I will continue to fight this unnecessary and ill begotten project,” U.S. Senator Risch said.

“This final Environment Impact Statement is a slap in the face to Idahoans. Despite widespread opposition at the local, state, and federal levels, the Bureau of Land Management is continuing to recklessly move forward with the Lava Ridge Project. From the start, I have made it clear that I expect the BLM to listen to and incorporate the concerns of those directly affected by the project. I authored language—passed by Congress and signed into law by the President—directing the Department of the Interior to reengage and seek feedback from the stakeholders on alternative plans before moving forward with Lava Ridge. The Department failed to meet the language requirements of that law. The Lava Ridge Project is out-of-touch and has absolutely no place in the Magic Valley. I will continue fighting to ensure that Idahoans’ voices are heard,” Congressman Simpson said.

Little, Bedke, Crapo, Risch, and Simpson listened to Idahoans and communicated their deep concerns with the proposal in a letter to the BLM Idaho State Director last year.

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Lt. Governor Bedke Urges Idahoans to Prepare for Federal REAL ID Act Deadline

BOISE, Idaho – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke is urging Idahoans to prepare for the federal REAL ID Act deadline on May 7, 2025, exactly one year from today. Starting next May, any U.S. traveler that is 18 years and older will need a REAL ID, such as an Idaho Star Card, U.S. Passport, military identification, or other form of federally accepted ID, to board commercial flights and enter certain federal facilities.

With only 49% of Idahoans currently holding a Star Card, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke joined the Idaho Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) today at the Boise Airport to remind Idaho residents to get their Star Card before the upcoming deadline.

“The federal deadline for the REAL ID will be here before we know it, so to avoid any disruptions to your future travel plans, now is the time to get your Star Card from your local DMV,” said Lt. Governor Bedke.

To get a Star Card, which is an Idaho Driver’s License or ID card, Idahoans will need to provide documents to verify their identity, social security number, and Idaho residency. These documents include a birth certificate, social security card, and two proofs of residency, such as a mortgage statement or current utility bill.

To streamline the application process, residents can use the “Add the Star” tool on the Idaho DMV’s website ( or call or visit their county’s DMV office for further assistance.

Rural Communities are the Backbone of Idaho

FORT HALL, Idaho – More than 88% of Idaho is classified as rural, and these local communities and businesses are the backbone of our state. Lt. Governor Scott Bedke recently attended the Idaho Rural Success Summit in eastern Idaho, an annual event that is designed to offer resources to help the Gem State’s rural communities thrive.

Lt. Governor Bedke, along with Governor Brad Little, provided opening remarks to the attending community members, businesses, and stakeholders. The Rural Success Summit held key presentations and panels that focused on empowering rural business, promoting community health, and supporting critical industry development.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to have both been able to attend and speak at this year’s Idaho Rural Success Summit,” said Lt. Governor Bedke. “The event showcases the ways Idahoans come together to support rural communities and businesses alike. I look forward to seeing this event continue for years to come as we help rural Idaho thrive.”

The third annual Rural Success Summit provided a platform for community leaders and business owners to share their experiences and knowledge to help every Idaho community succeed.

Idaho Needs Long-Term Plan for Water Management

BOISE, Idaho – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke will be attending the Ada County Board of Commissioners’ Treasure Valley Water Summit today to discuss the importance of long-term planning for water management in Idaho.

Planning ahead for the Gem State’s water usage is essential due to the state’s unique environmental and demographic challenges. Idaho faces a growing demand for water resources driven by agricultural, industrial, and residential needs. With a significant portion of Idaho’s economy reliant on agriculture, ensuring sustainable water availability is crucial for maintaining productivity and livelihoods. Moreover, as the state’s population continues to grow, particularly in urban centers like Boise and Coeur d’Alene, the pressure on water resources will intensify. Long-term planning allows for the development of strategies that balance these competing demands, ensuring that future generations have access to adequate and clean water supplies.

“Delaying and pushing decisions into the future will inevitably limit our choices. Look no farther than the conditions found Utah, Arizona, and southern Nevada to understand the importance of the need to act now to plan for our water future,” said Lt. Governor Bedke.

Lt. Governor Bedke thanks Ada County Commissioner Tom Dayley for bringing forward this critical issue today at the Treasure Valley Water Summit, and the entire Board of Commissioners for proactively addressing Idaho’s water needs.

Lt. Governor Bedke Releases Statement on the Death of Idaho Sheriff Deputy

BOISE, Idaho – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke has issued the following statement after the murder of Ada County Sheriff’s Deputy Tobin Bolter:

“Sarah and I are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Ada County Sheriff’s Deputy, Tobin Bolter, who was killed in the line of duty in a senseless act of violence. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Deputy Bolter’s family, friends, and all members of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office during this difficult time. The loss of a dedicated, courageous, and young officer is a loss for all of us.

Our law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect our communities, and the death of Deputy Bolter is a stark reminder of the dangers they face. Violence against our law enforcement officers is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in Idaho.

I ask my fellow Idahoans to join me in expressing gratitude for the service and sacrifice of Deputy Bolton and to stand in solidarity with our law enforcement community as we mourn this terrible loss. May we never forget the bravery and dedication of law enforcement throughout our state and this great nation, and may his legacy inspire us to work towards a safer and more peaceful society for all.”

The Governor’s Office has ordered U.S. flags and State of Idaho flags to be lowered immediately to half-staff to honor Deputy Bolter. Flags shall be flown at half-staff until the day following Deputy Bolter’s memorial service, in accordance with Idaho Code 67-820.

Lt. Governor Bedke Condemns Hate Incident in North Idaho

Coeur d’Alene, IDAHO – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke has issued the following statement regarding an incident of hate and racism in Coeur d’Alene involving the University of Utah women’s basketball program during the NCAA March Madness Tournament:

“I am disgusted and angry about the disturbing events in Coeur d’Alene that were directed against athletes, students, and visitors to our state. This foul incident caused by a few is inexcusable and does not in any way reflect Idaho’s shared values. Idaho does not tolerate racism, hate, or bigotry in any form.

I offer my full support to Governor Brad Little, Coeur d’Alene Mayor Jim Hammond, and our local leaders in their continuing efforts to eliminate hate, racism, and bigotry from our communities. We will not stand for discrimination.”

Lt. Governor Scott Bedke on the Finding of Quagga Mussel Larvae in the Snake River

TWIN FALLS, Idaho – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke issued the following statement in response to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s (ISDA) confirmation that quagga mussel larvae have been found in the Centennial Waterfront Park area of the Snake River:

“I am disappointed to learn that this invasive species has infiltrated the Snake River. This is a major issue for not just the surrounding area but the entire state. If left unchecked, this can negatively affect our water quality, majorly impact the Snake River’s ecosystem, clog our irrigation pipes, and take over our ship and boat hulls. I applaud the Department of Agriculture’s early detection and quick response to this issue and have faith in their action plan to contain – and potentially treat or remove – these mussels. I urge everyone to adhere to the Department of Agriculture’s rapid response plan so we can get this serious situation under control.”

To read ISDA’s full statement on the finding of quagga mussel larvae, follow this link: ISDA confirms quagga mussel larvae in the Snake River – Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Governor’s Water Summit reveals success stories, challenges in looking at surface and ground water statewide

Boise, ID – Governor Brad Little and other Idaho leaders are applauding the success of the first Water Summit of the Governor’s administration, which took place Monday in the Idaho Capitol.

Governor Little, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke, and Idaho Water Resource Board Chairman Jeff Raybould gave the audience a strategic look into the status of the state’s precious water resources during the Governor’s Water Summit.

“Idaho must maintain our water sovereignty and not turn out like California or Colorado, where the federal government stepped in to address their water supply problems. Our historic investments in water since I took office just under five years ago are setting us up for success, but we have a lot of work to do. I appreciate all the participants in our first Water Summit for their dedication to working together to create Idaho solutions to Idaho’s water supply,” Governor Little said. “Our policies in Idaho demonstrate that we are true conservationists. People are moving here because of what Idaho looks like, and how we manage water is going to be incredibly important going forward.”

Meeting in front of a full house of approximately 250 people in the Idaho State Capitol Lincoln Auditorium, including numerous state legislators and hundreds online, Governor Little and Lt. Governor Bedke heard about many challenges facing the state’s groundwater resources where they are in decline. The Palouse-Basin Aquifer, the Mountain Home Aquifer, and the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA) were all highlighted in that discussion.

Governor Little noted that about $1 billion has been recommended and approved by the Idaho Legislature for water infrastructure projects since he took office. Through his “Leading Idaho” and “Idaho First” plans, the Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) has received $450 million to modernize the state’s water infrastructure statewide through grants, loans, and strategic investments in water sustainability projects.

The state’s historic investment in modern water infrastructure will help stretch water supplies with efficiency savings and water quality improvements, the Governor said. Some funds are going to water projects that restore aquifer stability and provide for sustainable water use, Raybould noted.

“Sustainability is our watchword,” Lt. Governor Bedke said. “This is all about making sure we have adequate water supplies for Idaho’s future. Our future success is dependent on water.”

On the positive side, the water supply in the state’s most populous region, the Treasure Valley, is stable, officials said. Lining six miles of the New York Canal utilizing local, state, and federal funding is expected to save approximately 29,000 acre-feet of water per year – the equivalent of flooding 29,000 acres of land to the depth of one foot. Officials also heard about water-conservation efforts in the Avimor community, north of Eagle, that are cutting residential water use in half.

Idaho also is a national leader in Cloud Seeding efforts that increase snowfall and mountain snowpack in the winter. Idaho’s Collaborative Cloud Seeding Program involving Idaho Power Co., IWRB, and water users has added an average of 1.2 million acre-feet of water supply per year in the Upper Snake, Boise, and the Big Wood and Payette River basins, Idaho Power officials said.

Being among the fastest-growing states in America adds to the state’s water challenges, Raybould said. “Clearly, we’ve been discovered,” he said. “That creates even more challenges for us, especially with water supply and infrastructure. We need to make sure we conserve our water resources the best we can while operating within the bounds of the Prior Appropriation Doctrine.”

Raybould refers to Idaho water law, which gives priority to water users who have the most senior rights or, first in time, first in right.

While tension between senior and junior users has been intense in places like the Wood River Valley and Eastern Snake Plain, the tone between water users was civil throughout the day at the Governor’s Water Summit. Case studies of water issues in Idaho communities showed a broad diversity of water users are working together to solve problems.

More discussions and regional meetings may be held in the future to discuss water topics, Governor Little said.

“This is just a starting point in the discussions we need to have. This is not about new policies but managing our resources in the best way we can. We are the true conservationists,” he said.

Overall, Little said the state’s water management should ensure:

  • A sustainable water supply for urban and rural users
  • Water quality is being improved on an ongoing basis
  • Idaho’s sovereignty over its water resources is maintained at all times

The agenda, meeting materials, attendance summary and video of the summit are available at