Official Government Website

Public Records Request


Public records requests must be submitted in writing. See Section 74-102(4), Idaho Code. In order to best serve the public and to process your request for public records as expeditiously as possible, please complete each field in the form below.

Please describe the record(s) you are requesting as specifically as possible. When possible, provide search terms. Large requests may require the requester to reimburse the state consistent with Section 74-102(10).

Please note: By submitting a public records request here, the only records that will be searched are those that are in possession of the Lt. Governor’s office.

    Specific date range for when the records you are seeking were created, as required by Section 74-102(4), Idaho Code.

    ExamineReceive Copies

    The records custodian will send the response to the name and physical address given or electronically to the email address given below. If files are too large to email, or you do not have access to email, they will be sent in the mail.

    All copies made are subject to a copying cost of $ 0.05 per page after the first 100 pages, which may be required prior to receipt of record(s). If the request requires more than 2 hours of labor to produce and review records, the request will incur an additional fee at the average hourly rate of the employees producing the records.

    We will respond to this request within three (3) business days. However, we reserve the right to take an additional seven (7) business days to respond. Business days are Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. All requests received after normal business hours (excluding holidays) shall be deemed received the next business day.

    Public Records Custodian: MaryLou Molitor, (listed as required by Idaho Code 74-119)

    ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: