Lt. Governor Bedke’s statement on ongoing water users’ negotiations for 2024’s water certainty

Tuesday June 11, 2024

IDAHO – Surface water and groundwater users are currently negotiating an agreement to avoid the water curtailment order from the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR).

Lt. Governor Scott Bedke and Governor Brad Little have been actively working to facilitate these necessary discussions between Idaho’s surface water users and groundwater districts to find a compromise that keeps the crops wet this growing season.

“Water is life, and what we do with our allotted amount now will impact our future generations. I am committed to working with Governor Little and all affected parties to find a fair and equitable solution for Idaho’s water users,” said Lt. Governor Bedke.

“Since the last agreement between the surface water and groundwater users eight years ago, we have learned a couple of things for what a long-term solution requires: it must include an averaging component or details around the concept of water blocking. Our farmers deserve to know what their water allotment will be each year before they plant to meet their business and other obligations.”

“Agreements between farmers and water users are always better than ones made by the government or in a courtroom. I am optimistic that our water users will find a path forward that can meet the requirements for 2024, as well as come back to the table to craft an agreement to ensure our future generations have access to a predictable water supply.”

Click here to read the IDWR Director Mathew Weaver’s June 5 letter.
