Lt. Governor Scott Bedke on the Finding of Quagga Mussel Larvae in the Snake River

Tuesday September 19, 2023

TWIN FALLS, Idaho – Lt. Governor Scott Bedke issued the following statement in response to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s (ISDA) confirmation that quagga mussel larvae have been found in the Centennial Waterfront Park area of the Snake River:

“I am disappointed to learn that this invasive species has infiltrated the Snake River. This is a major issue for not just the surrounding area but the entire state. If left unchecked, this can negatively affect our water quality, majorly impact the Snake River’s ecosystem, clog our irrigation pipes, and take over our ship and boat hulls. I applaud the Department of Agriculture’s early detection and quick response to this issue and have faith in their action plan to contain – and potentially treat or remove – these mussels. I urge everyone to adhere to the Department of Agriculture’s rapid response plan so we can get this serious situation under control.”

To read ISDA’s full statement on the finding of quagga mussel larvae, follow this link: ISDA confirms quagga mussel larvae in the Snake River - Idaho State Department of Agriculture